Training - KW#40-22 - 10/2/2022

Montag - WOD

Running Clock 27:00

Part A:
In 15:00 - work up to a heavy triple Touch and Go Power Clean

Rest 3:00 

On 18:00:
Burpees over the Bar
Power Cleans

I want to sweat:
Hang Power Cleans 30kg/20kg

I want to perform:
Power Cleans 60%/60%
vom Triple

I want to compete:
Power Cleans 62.5kg/40kg


Dienstag - WOD

Part A:
Every 2:00 - 5 Sets
5 Strict Pullups

Part B:
Retest 051021

5 Rounds for Time:
30 Wall Balls 
15 Toes to Bar

I want to sweat:
5 Strict Pullups
→ 5 Pull Up Decents: Jump Up, hold 3 Sec chin over the bar, 3 second decent, 3-5 Reps

20 Wall Balls 14lbs/10lbs
10 Knees to Elbow/Knee Raises

I want to perform:
5 Weighted Strict Pullups
→ Ob gleichbleibendes Gewicht, steigendes oder Pyramide ist dem/der Athleten/-in überlassen

24 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
8 Toes to Bar

I want to compete:
3-6 unbroken Bar Muscle Ups

30 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
15 Toes to Bar

Mittwoch - WOD

Every 5:00 - 5 Sets
60 Double Unders
30 Cal Row
15 Handstand Pushups

I want to sweat:
100 Single Unders
20/16 Cal Row
20 (Box-) Push Ups oder 5 Wall Walks

I want to perform:
40 Double Unders
25/21 Cal Row
15 Handstand Pushups

I want to compete:
60 Double Unders
30/24 Cal Row
15 Strict Handstand Pushups

3 Sets:
10 Ring Face Pulls
15 Banded Good Mornings

Donnerstag - WOD

In Teams of 2 - 30 Rounds each - You go I go
5 Abmat Situps
3 Box Jumps 
1 Deadlift

I want to sweat:
Box Jumps 20"/16" (20er Stapeln, kleine Holzkiste)
Deadlift 80kg/55kg

I want to perform:
Box Jumps 24"/20"
Deadlift 120kg/80kg

I want to compete:
Box Jumps 30"/24"
Deadlift 180kg/130kg

Freitag - WOD

In 12:00 Work up to a heavy Triple Bench Press

In Teams of 2:
For Time:
150 Bench Press
150 Pullups

Split reps anyhow - one athlete working at a time

I want to sweat:
Ring Rows
Bench Press 40kg/30kg

I want to perform:
150 Pullups total
Bench Press 60kg/40kg

I want to compete:
150 Chest to Bar Pullups total
Bench Press 1BW/0.8BW

Samstag - WOD

3 Rounds for Time
1000m Run
50 Overhead Squats

I want to sweat:
50 Goblet Squats 16kg/12kg

I want to perform:
30 Overhead Squats 20kg/15kg

I want to compete:
50 Overhead Squats 20kg/15kg

3 Sets:
12 Rower Leg Curls
Rower Hamstring Curl - YouTube
12 Abmat Situps

Sonntag - WOD