Training - KW#49-22 - 12/4/2022

Montag - WOD

Workout Primer
Work up to a Heavy Set of 3 Back Squats 

2-3 Back Off Sets @ 85-90%

100 Wall Balls
75 Cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Balls
35 Cal Row
25 Toes to Bar

I want to sweat:
80 Wall Balls 14lbs/10lbs
60 Cal Row
40 Knee Raises
40 Wall Balls 14lbs/10lbs
30 cal Row
20 Knee Raises

I want to perform:
100 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
75 Cal Row
35 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
35 Cal Row
15 Toes to Bar

I want to compete:
100 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
75 Cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
35 Cal Row
25 Toes to Bar

Dienstag - WOD

Workout Primer
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch

Isabel - for time
30 Power Snatches 

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
30 Power Snatches 30kg/20kg

I want to perform:
30 Power Snatches 45kg/32.5kg

I want to compete:
30 Power Snatches 62.5kg/42.5kg

Mittwoch - WOD

Every 4 minutes x 7 (28 Minutes)
50 Double Unders
35 Air Squats
20 Push Ups

I want to sweat:
50 Single Unders
25 Squats
15 Box Push Ups

I want to perform:
30 Double Unders
30 Air Squats
15 Push Ups

I want to compete:
50 Double Unders
35 Air Squats
20 Push Ups

Lateral Raises 
Biceps Curls
Triceps Extensions

Donnerstag - WOD

In Teams of 2 - split anyhow 
40/32 cal Ski/Row
40 Box Jump Over
40 alternating DB Snatches

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
30/24 Cal Row
30 Box Jump Over 20"/20"
30 alternating DB Snatches 15kg/10kg

I want to perform:
40/36 Cal Row
40 Box Jump Over 24"/20"
40 alternating DB Snatches 22.5kg/15kg

I want to compete:
40/36 Ski 
40 Box Jump Over 24"/20"
40 alternating DB Snatches 30kg/20kg

Weighted Situps
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Freitag - WOD

Workout Primer (15 Minutes)
Work up to a heavy single Power Clean & Push Jerk

5 Runden
15/12 cal Echo Bike
6 Strict Pull Ups
3 Clean and Jerks
6 Strict Pull Ups

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
12/9 cal Echo Bike
6 Ring Rows
3 Clean and Jerks 40kg/30kg
6 Ring Rows

I want to perform:
15/12 cal Echo Bike
3 Strict Pull Ups
3 Clean and Jerks 70kg/47.5kg
3 Strict Pull Ups

I want to compete:
15/12 cal Echo Bike
6 Strict Pull Ups
3 Clean and Jerks 90kg/60kg
6 Strict Pull Ups

Samstag - WOD


#1 - EG:
Teams of 2 - Split Anyhow:
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
Clean & Jerks
I want to perform:

I want to compete:

#2 - EG:
Teams of 2 - Switch Complete Rounds
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
10 Row Calories 
5 Handstand Push-ups
I want to perform:
Push Ups

I want to compete:
Handstand Push Ups

#3 - EG:
Teams of 2 - Switch Complete Rounds
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
12 Wall Balls
6 Pull-ups

I want to perform:
12 Wallballs 14/10 + 6 Ring Rows

I want to compete:
12 Wallballs 20/14 + 6 Pullups

#4 - EG:
Teams of 2 - Switch Complete Rounds
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
8 Burpee Over Bars 8 Deadlifts

I want to perform:

I want to compete:

#5 - OG:
Teams of 2 - Switch Complete Rounds
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
20 Double Unders 
10 AbMat Sit-ups

I want to perform:
x2 Single Unders

I want to compete:
Double Unders

#6 - OG:
Teams of 2 - Switch Complete Rounds
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
5 Toes-to-bars 
5 Ring Dips

I want to perform:
Knee Raises + (Banded-) Bar Dips

I want to compete:
Toes to Bar + Ring Dips

#7 - OG:
Teams of 2 - Switch Complete Rounds
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
4 Box Jumps
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

I want to perform:
24"/20" + 15kg/10kg

I want to compete:
30"/24" + 22.5kg/15kg

#8 - OG:
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of: 
10 Burpees

I want to perform:
Switch every 7

I want to compete:
Switch every 10




Sonntag - WOD