Training - KW#19-22 - 5/8/2022

Montag - WOD


I want to sweat:
4 Rounds:
10 Power Snatch 42.5kg/30kg
10 Burpee Pullups

I want to perform:
Power Snatches 62.5kg/42.5kg
Bar Muscle Ups

I want to compete:
Squat Snatches 62.5kg/42.5kg
Ring Muscle Ups

Specific Warmup Suggestion:

5 Behind the Neck Press
5 Pause Overhead Squats

2 Sets:
5 Mississippi Dip-Support Hold
5 Kip-Swings

2 Sets:
5 High Hang Power Snatches (Pockets) - Fokus auf Extension + Catch
5 Strict Pullups
5 Strict dips

2 Sets:
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Chest/Hip to Bar Pullups - Hip to Ring Swing/Pullups
3 Pushups/Ring Dips

10min individuelles hocharbeiten

Dienstag - WOD

2000/1600m Row for Time
EMOM Burpees (over the Rower)

Ihr rudert 2000 bzw 1600m auf Zeit. Auf 0 beginnt ihr mit einem Burpee (über das Rudergerät) und rudert den Rest der Zeit so viele Meter, wie ihr schafft. Auf 1 macht ihr 2 Burpees (über das Rudergerät) und rudert den Rest der Zeit weiter. Dann 3 Burpees und so weiter, bis ihr 2000 bzw. 1600m absolviert habt.

Es lohnt sich also, schnell zu rudern - sonst macht ihr viele Burpees

3 Runden
12 Dumbbell Strict Press
12 Ring Rows

Mittwoch - WOD

10 Rounds (not for time)
9 Ring Dips
7 Strict Pull Ups
5 Box Jumps 

10 Rounds (not for time)
9 Box Jumps 24/20"
7 Ring Rows
5 Push Ups

10 Rounds (not for time)
9 Box Jumps 30/24"
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Ring Dips

King Triton/Queen Athena:
10 Rounds (not for time)
9 Ring Dips
7 Strict Pull Ups
5 Box Jumps 36/30"


Donnerstag - WOD

Bring a friend Thursday: 
In Teams of two, You go I go

20 min AMRAP
24 Double Unders
6 Devil Press
6 Toes to Bar

Freitag - WOD

5 Rounds
200m run
10 Burpees over the Bar
5 Shoulder to Overhead
2min Rest
1 Round
400m Run
20 Burpees over the Bar
10 Shoulder to Overhead

5 Rounds
200m run
8 Burpees over the Bar
4 Shoulder to Overhead 45/30kg
2min Rest
1 Round
400m Run
16 Burpees over the Bar
4 Shoulder to Overhead 45/30kg

5 Rounds
200m run
10 Burpees over the Bar
5 Shoulder to Overhead 70/45kg
2min Rest
1 Round
400m Run
20 Burpees over the Bar
10 Shoulder to Overhead 70/45kg

5 Rounds
200m run
10 Burpees over the Bar
5 Shoulder to Overhead 90/60kg
2min Rest
1 Round
400m Run
20 Burpees over the Bar
10 Shoulder to Overhead 90/60kg


Samstag - WOD

Heavy Day
in 10 min: Work up to a heavy Tripple Power Clean
in 10 min: Work up to a heavy Double Squat Clean
in 10 min: Work up to heavy Single Front Squat

2.00 min Couch Stretch
2.00 min Pigeon

Sonntag - WOD

Fitness Bundesliga Team Training - WOD

Teams of 4
4 Rounds
4 Worm Clean and Jerks
8 Rope Climbs Konga
16 Burpees over
1:00 Rest

4 Rounds
16 Burpees over Worm
8 Rope Climbs Konga
4 Worm Thrusters
1:00 Rest

Teams of 4 - 2 Teams sync
8 Rounds per Team
24 Sync Double Unders
8 Sync Toes to Bar'
4 Double DB Devils Press 22.5/15kg

