Training - KW#15-23 - 4/8/2023

Montag - WOD

In Teams of two 
20 min EMOM (10 Rounds each)
200/170m Row
Max Reps Thrusters in the remaining Time

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.


I want to sweat:
165m/125m Row
Max Rep Thrusters 20kg/15kg

I want to perform:
200m/150m Row
Max Rep Thrusters 30kg/20kg

I want to compete:
200m/150m Row
Max Rep Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg

Accessory (Class)
3 Sets each
12-15 Bent over Lateral Raises
10-15 Weighted Situps


Dienstag - WOD

Murph Prep

5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats 


I want to sweat:
400m Run
8 Jumping Pullups
16 Box Push Ups
24 Air Squats 

I want to perform:
400m Run
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats 

I want to compete:
mit Weste

Mittwoch - WOD


as heavy as possible

Rest 2:00-3:00 b/t Sets

10 Supinated Ring Rows after each Set

Letzte Set Max Effort ohne Zusatzlast

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
9x 6-10 Close Grip Bench Press

I want to perform:
9x 6-10 Push Ups/Paralette Push Ups

I want to compete:

Accessory (Class)
2-3 Sets:
15-20 incline Dumbbell Flies
15-20 Banded Lat Pull Downs

Donnerstag - WOD

In Teams of two - you go I go
12 Rounds - alternate full rounds
12 Double Kettlebell Snatches
12 Kettlebell Mixed Rack Back Step Lunges*
12 Toes to Bar

Mixed Rack: 1 Arm Overhead, 1 Arm Front Rack - Switch after 6 Reps

I want to sweat:
6+6 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatches
Goblet Lunges
Knee Raises

I want to perform:

Option: Front Rack Lunges

I want to compete:

Freitag - WOD

12 Box Jumps
9 Strict Pull Ups
6 Deadlifts


 want to sweat:
12 Box Jumps 24"/20"
9 Ring Rows/6 Feet elevated Pullups/6 Feet Supported Pullups
6 Deadlifts 80kg/55kg

I want to perform:
12 Box Jumps 30"/24"
6 Strict Pullups
6 Deadlifts 110kg/75kg

I want to compete:
12 Box Jumps 34"/30"
9 Strict Pullups
6 Deadlifts 140kg/95kg

3-4 Sets:
15 Weighted Situps
15 Dumbbell Leg Curls

Samstag - WOD

Every 7:00 - 5 Sets
30 Cal Cardio
90 Double Unders
30 Bar Facing Burpees

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
20/16 Cal Echo Bike
120 Single Unders
20 Bar Facing Burpees

I want to perform:
30/24 Cal Echo Bike
60 Double Unders
30 Bar Facing Burpees

I want to compete:
30/24 Cal Ski Erg
90 Double Unders
30 Bar Facing Burpees

Sonntag - WOD