Training - KW#28-22 - 7/9/2022

Montag - WOD

5 Sets - Rest 2:00 b/t Sets
250m Row
15 Thrusters 20kg/15kg 

I want to sweat:
200/180m Row
10 Thrusters 15kg/10kg

I want to perform:
250m Row
15 Thrusters 20kg/15kg 

I want to compete:
250m Row
15 Thrusters 20kg/15kg 

Goal: 2+ Rounds/Set


Strength Development
Accumulate a Number of Strict Pullups

I want to sweat:
40 Ring Rows

I want to perform:
30 Strict Pullups

I want to compete:
30 Strict Chest to Bar Pullups in as few sets as possible

Dienstag - WOD

Share Equipment in Teams of 3 - Every 4:00 - 18 Rounds - 6 Rounds each
18/15 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Toes to Bar

Cal Echo Bike: 45sek Time Cap
Swings & TTB unbroken

Time Cap per Round: 2:30

I want to Sweat:
12/10 Cal Echo Bike
10 Kettlebell Swings 16kg/12kg
8 Knee Raises

I want to perform:
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg
8 Toes to Bar / 10 Knees to Elbow

I want to compete:
18/15 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Toes to Bar

2-3 Rounds
10-15 Dumbbell Row
10-15 Dumbbell Bench Press / Dips

Mittwoch - WOD

Every 5:00 - 6 Sets
Run 400m
10 Bench Press @ 1BW/0.8BW

Round Cap: 3:00

I want to sweat:

I want to perform:

I want to compete:

3 Sets
15 Barbell Rows
15 Dumbbell Flies

1 Hang Clean + 1 Low Hang Clean + 1 Clean 6x @ 70% Technique Jerk
1 Squat Clean + 2 Jerks 6x @ 70% 

Donnerstag - WOD

40 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Box Step Overs
10 Pullups 

I want to sweat:
30 Penguin Jumps
15 Dumbbell Box Step Overs 1x15kg/1x10kg
10 Jumping Pullups 

I want to perform:
40 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Box Step Overs 1x22.5kg/1x15kg
10 Pullups

I want to compete:
40 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Box Step Overs 2x22.5kg/2x15kg
10 Chest to Bar Pullups

3 Sets:
12-15 Romanian Deadlifts
12-15 Weighted Situps

Freitag - WOD

Every 2:00 - 10 Sets
10 Barfacing Burpees
3 Touch and Go Clean & Jerks

Goal: Rounds sub 1:00

I want to sweat:
7 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Touch and Go Clean & Jerks 40kg/30kg

I want to perform:
8 Barfacing Burpees
3 Touch and Go Clean & Jerks 60kg/40kg

I want to compete:
Every 2:00 - 10 Sets
10 Barfacing Burpees
3 Touch and Go Clean & Jerks 80kg/55kg

3 Sets:
10 Banded Pass Throughs
15 Banded Good Mornings

Samstag - WOD

Deadlifts 102.5kg/70kg
Strict HSPU

10 Deadlifts
10 Strict HSPU
'9 Deadlifts
9 Strict HSPU

I want to sweat: 
Deadlifts 60kg/40kg
Push Ups

I want to perform:
Deadlifts 80kg/60kg
Strict HSPU: 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5

I want to compete:
Deadlifts 102.5kg/70kg
Strict HSPU

3 Sets
15+ Lateral Raises
15+ Biceps Curls
15+ Triceps Extensions

Last Set to FAILURE!


Sonntag - WOD
