Workout Primer:
Bench Press
In 20 minutes: Work up to a moderate set of 5
3x5 mit 90% des Gewichtes
2 Rounds:
Gorilla Rows
Ring Dips
Rest 3:00 b/t Sets
I want to sweat:
Perfect Push Ups (15-12-9-6-3)
I want to perform:
Gorilla Rows 24kg/16kg
Ring Dips
I want to compete:
Gorilla Rows 32kg/20kg
Weighted Ring Dips
4 Sets:
12-15 Triceps Extensions
10-15 Wide Grip Ring Rows
500m Row
15 Overhead Squats
500m Row
12 Overhead Squats
500m Row
9 Overhead Squats
500m Row
6 Overhead Squats
500m Row
3 Overhead Squat
500m Row
6 Overhead Squats
500m Row
9 Overhead Squats
500m Row
12 Overhead Squats
500m Row
15 Overhead Squats
Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.
I want to sweat:
Jedes Set 10 @ 30kg/20kg
I want to perform:
15 @ 30kg/20kg
12 @ 40kg/30kg
9 @ 50kg/35kg
6 @ 60kg/40kg
3 @ 70kg/47.5kg
I want to compete:
15 @ 40kg/30kg
12 @ 60kg/40kg
9 @ 75kg/50kg
6 @ 90kg/60kg
3 @ 105kg/70kg
3 Sets each
10-15 Dumbbell Bench Press
10-15 Dumbbell Rows
Every 4:30 - 7 Sets
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees
Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.
I want to sweat:
10/8 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees
I want to perform:
12/10 Cal Echo Bike
12 Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg
12 Burpees
I want to compete:
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 32kg/24kg
15 Burpees
For Time
150 Double Unders
100 Air Squats
50 Pull Ups
rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for time
30 Double Unders
20 Air Squats
10 Pull Ups
Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden..
I want to sweat:
For Time
120 Penguin Jumps
80 Air Squats
40 Jumping Pull Ups
rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for time
24 Penguin Jumps
16 Air Squats
8 Jumping Pull Ups
I want to perform:
For Time
120 Double Unders
80 Air Squats
40 Pull Ups
rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for time
24 Double Unders
16 Air Squats
8 Pull Ups
I want to compete:
For Time
150 Double Unders
100 Air Squats
50 Pull Ups
rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for time
30 Double Unders
20 Air Squats
10 Pull Ups
Workout Primer
Deadlift: Work up to a moderate Set of three
24/20 cal Row
10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts
I want to sweat:
20/16 cal Row
10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts 80kg/55kg
I want to perform:
20/16 cal Row
10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts 120kg/80kg
I want to compete:
24/20 cal Row
10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts 135kg/90kg
Accessory (Class)
3-4 Sets:
15 Weighted Situps
10+10 Front Foot elevated Split Squats
3 Rounds for time
Run 1000m
30 Toes to Bar
30 Handstand Push Ups
Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.
I want to sweat:
Run 1 k
20 Knee Raises
20 L-seated dumbbell presses
I want to perform:
Run 1 k
20 Toes to Bar
20 Handstand Push Ups
I want to compete:
Run 1 k
30 Toes to Bar
30 Handstand Push Ups