Training - KW#38-22 - 9/18/2022

Montag - WOD

Every 4:00 - 7 Rounds
21 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 
9 Burpee Box Jump Over 


I want to sweat:
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 16kg/12kg (russian)
9 Burpee Box Jump Over 24"/20"

I want to perform:
18/15 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg (russian)
9 Burpee Box Jump Over 30"/24"

I want to compete:
21/18 Cal Echo Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings 32kg/24kg (russian)
9 Burpee Box Jump Over 36"/30"

Dienstag - WOD

Teams of 2 - 10 Rounds for Time - Split anyhow
10 Weighted Strict Pullups
20 BW Bench Press
30 Double Kettlebell Front Squats

I want to sweat:
10 Ring Rows
20 Bench Press 40kg/30kg
30 Double Kettlebell Front Squats 2x12kg/2x8kg

I want to perform:
10 Strict Pullups
20 Bench Press 60kg/40kg
30 Double Kettlebell Front Squats 2x24kg/2x16kg

I want to compete:
10 Strict Weighted Pullups 20lbs Medball/16lbs Medball
20 Bench Press avg. BW/66% avg. BW
30 Double Kettlebell Front Squats 2x32kg/2x24kg

Mittwoch - WOD

8 Rounds for Time:
20 Abmat Situps
400m Run
60 Double Unders


I want to sweat:
10 Situps
400m Run
100 Single Unders

I want to perform:
15 Situps
400m Run
40 Double Unders

I want to compete:
20 Abmat Situps
400m Run
60 Double Unders

Donnerstag - WOD

In Teams of Two - You go I Go
20 Rounds for Time
5 Deadlifts
10+10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press

I want to sweat:
Deadlifts 70kg/47.5kg
Singe Arm Dumbbell Push Press 15kg/10kg

I want to perform:
Deadlifts 120kg/80kg
Singe Arm Dumbbell Push Press 22.5kg/15kg

I want to compete:
Deadlifts 150kg/105kg
Singe Arm Dumbbell Push Press 30kg/20kg

Freitag - WOD

3 Sets:
Wall Balls
Toes to Bar

3:00 Rest b/t Sets

I want to sweat:
Wall Balls 14lbs/10lbs
Knee Raises

I want to perform:
Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
Knees to Elbow

I want to compete:
21-15-9 20lbs/14lbs
Wall Balls
Toes to Bar

3 Sets:
15 Romanian Deadlifts (DBs, KBs oder Barbell)
10 Wide Grip Ring Rows/Ring Face Pulls

Samstag - WOD

Class WOD
Row 1000m 
30 Power Snatches
Row 1000m
20 Power Snatches
Row 1000m
10 Power Snatches

I want to sweat:
3 Rounds:
Row 750m
15 Power Snatches 20kg/15kg

I want to perform:
30 Power Snatches 30kg/20kg
20 Power Snatches 45kg/30kg
10 Power Snatches 60kg/40kg

I want to compete:
30 Power Snatches 40kg/30kg
20 Power Snatches 60kg/40kg
10 Power Snatches 80kg/55kg

3 Sets:
10-12 Bent over Row (Barbell)
10 Pike Up on Rower

Sonntag - WOD