For Time
50-40-30-20-10 Calories Row
50-40-30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatches
25-20-15-10-5 Ring Dips
Option 1:
40/35-32/28-24/21-16/14-8/7 Calories Row
40-32-24-16-8 Dumbbell Snatches 15/10kg
20-16-12-8-4 Push Ups
Option 2:
50/40-40/32-30/24-20/16-10/8 Calories Row
40-32-24-16-8 Dumbbell Snatches 22.5/15kg
20-16-12-8-4 Ring Dips
Option 3:
50/40-40/32-30/24-20/16-10/8 Calories Row
50-40-30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatches 22.5/15kg
25-20-15-10-5 Ring Dips
In 12 minutes work up to a heavy triple Shoulder to Overhead
4 Runden
60 Double Unders
6 Shoulder to Overhead
Option 1:
4 Runden
60 Penguin Jumps
6 Shoulder to Overhead 42,5/30kg
Option 2:
4 Runden
40 Double Unders
6 Shoulder to Overhead 62,5/42,5kg
Option 3:
4 Runden
60 Double Unders
6 Shoulder to Overhead 80/55kg
Hyrox Physical Fitness Test
For time
1000m Run
50 Burpee Broad Jump
100 alternating stationary Lunges
1000m Row
30 HR Pushups
100 Wallballs 6kg/4kg (14lbs / 10lbs)
3 Runden
8-10 Ring Rows
1:00 min Couch Stretch/Seite
EMOM 30 min
1. 6-10 Toes to Bar
2. 6-10 Box Jumps
3. 6-10 Pull Ups
4. Moderate Calories Row
5. 6-10 Push Ups
Wählt ein Gesamtvolumen, was ihr gut absolvieren könnt. Passt insbesondere bei den Toes to Bar und Pull Ups auf eure Hände auf - wir können sie eventuell für das Open Wod noch gebrauchen. Diese Session ist eher als aktives Durchbiegen gedacht
CrossFit Open Workout 22.1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches 22.5kg/15kg
15 box jump-overs 24"/20"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches 15kg/10kg
15 box jump-overs 24"/20"
Box Step-Ups sind erlaubt.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 Bear Crawls
12 dumbbell snatches 10kg/5kg
15 box jump-overs 20"/20"
Box Step-Ups sind erlaubt.
CrossFit Open Workout 22.1