Warmup (10 Minuten)
Runde 1:
15 Medball Deadlifts
10 Air Squats
5 Push Ups
Runde 2:
15 Medball Deadlifts
10 Medball Squats
5 Burpees
Runde 3:
15 Medball Cleans
5 Burpee + Vertical Leap
2 Sets:
30 Sek Bottom of the Squat Hold /w Medball
Rest 0:30 b/t Sets
Fokus auf “Perfekte Kniebeuge”
Part A (20 Minuten)
2 Front Squats
10 Sets Hocharbeiten auf Tages 2RM
5 Sets Back off Sets @85-90%
Fokus auf: Form halten über den ganzen Bewegungsablauf. Hohe Ellenbogen, aufrechten Oberkörper
Part B (30 Minuten)
Beach Body Workout #55
Every 5:00 - 6 Sets
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
25 Box Jumps 24"/20" (Step Down!)
25 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
Goal: 1:30+ Pause pro Runde
Scaling ab unter 1:15 Pause pro Runde
Wallballs maximal in 2 Sets
Accessory (10 Minuten)
3 rounds for quality of:
15 Ring Face Pulls
15+ Dumbbell Leg Curls
Warmup (15 Minuten)
1:00 Easy Bike
12 Cross Body Dumbbell Snatches
6 Burpees
1:00 Moderate Bike
10+10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Press
1:00 Moderate+ Bike
8+8 Dumbbell Thrusters (8 Links + 8 Rechts)
3 Sets (steigend)
3 Behind the Neck Push Press
3 Over Head Squats
3 Sets (steigend)
3 Snatch Balance
Part A (20 Minuten)
2 Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Set 1-8: Hocharbeiten auf 60-70% vom Power Snatch
Set 11-16: Gleichbleibend moderate Last mit Fokus auf Form
Part B (20 Minuten)
Work up to a moderate to heavy 2 Power Clean + Jerk
Clean - Jerk - Clean - Jerk
In 6-8 Sets hocharbeiten. Verbleibende Zeit Back off Sets mit 80-85% der schwersten Wiederholung des Tages
Accessory 1 (20 Minuten)
5 Rounds – Flow
240m Row
12 Push Press 52.5kg/35kg
12 Weighted Abmat Situps
Warmup (10 Minuten)
3 Rounds
15 Cal Bike
12 Russian Lunges (6 Pro Bein)
9 Push Ups
6 Straight Leg Situps
Part A (20 Minuten)
10 Rounds
5 Strict Pullups
7 Bodyweight Bench Press
9 Goblet Squats 24kg/16kg
x0,75 für Mädels
Part B (25 Minuten)
Every 3:00 - 8 Rounds
16/13 Cal Row
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Repeatable Effort
Accessory (20 Minuten)
3 rounds for quality of:
10 Half Kneeling Kettlebell Presses
10 Strict Toes to Bar
3 Sets
10-12 Biceps Curls
10-12 Triceps Extensions
Warmup (10 Minuten)
Runde 1:
1:00 Jump Rope
10 Box Jumps
10 Air Squats
Runde 2:
1:00 Running Man/Jump Rope
10 Squat-Box Jumps
Part A (20 Minuten)
Every 2:00 - 10 Sets
5 Back Squats
Set 1-5: Warmup
Set 6: 5RM for the Day
Set 7: Rest
Set 8-10: Back off Sets @80-85% 5RM
Part B (25 Minuten)
Teams of 2 - You go I go - 8 Rounds Each
6 Deadlifts 120kg/80kg
9 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 22.5kg/15kg - Pro Arm
12 Abmat Situps
Time Cap: 24'
Accessory 1 (15 Minuten)
4 Rounds
20 Plank Kettlebell Pull Through
10-15 Ring Row