AMRAP 12min
6/6 Dumbbell Push Press
12 Pull Ups
48 Double Unders
I want to sweat:
10 Push Press/10 Dumbbell Push Press 12.5kg/7.5kg
10 Ring Rows/Jumping Pullups
0:30min AMRep Double Unders
I want to perform:
6/6 Dumbbell Push Press 22.5kg/15kg
9-12 Pull Ups
36 Double Unders
I want to compete:
6/6 Dumbbell Push Press 30kg/22.5kg
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
48 Double Unders
3-4 Sets:
12-15 (Single-)Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
12-15 (Feet elevated-) Ring Rows
Bei Ring Rows im MetCon
→ 15-20 banded Lat Pull Downs oder Plate-/DB-/Barbell Pullovers
Every 7:00 - 5 Sets
27 Cal Row
21 Cal Echo Bike
15 Toes to Bar
Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.
I want to sweat:
21cal/18cal Row
18cal/15cal Echo Bike
12 Knee Raises
I want to perform:
27cal/24cal Row
21cal/18cal Echo Bike
15 Knees to Elbow/10 Toes to Bar
I want to compete:
27cal/24cal Row
21cal/18cal Ski Erg
15 Toes to Bar
Paused Back Squat
In 15:00 - Work up to a heavy Set of 2 Paused Back Squats
2 Mississippi Pause at Bottom
Optional: 2-3 Back Off Sets @ 80-90% of 2RM
MetCon - For Time
20 Front Squats
20 Push Ups
16 Front Squats
20 Push Ups
12 Front Squats
20 Push Ups
8 Front Squats
20 Push Ups
4 Front Squats
20 Push Ups
I want to sweat:
12-15 Box Push Ups
Front Squats:
20 @ 20kg/15kg
16 @ 30kg/20kg
12 @ 40kg/30kg
8 @ 50kg/35kg
4 @ 60kg/40kg
I want to perform:
15 Push Ups
Front Squats:
20 @ 40kg/30kg
16 @ 50kg/35kg
12 @ 60kg/40kg
8 @ 70kg/47.5kg
4 @ 80kg/55kg
I want to compete:
20 Parallette Push Ups
Front Squats:
20 @ 60kg/40kg
16 @ 70kg/47.5kg
12 @ 80kg/55kg
8 @ 90kg/60kg
4 @ 100kg/67,5kg
In Teams of 2 - You Go I Go complete Rounds
3x6:00 AMRAP
9 Abmat Situps
6 Burpees over Bar
3 Deadlifts
3:00 Rest b/t AMRAPs
Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.
I want to sweat:
10 Abmat Situps
5 Burpees over Bar
5 Deadlifts 60kg/40kg
I want to perform:
9 Abmat Situps
6 Burpees over Bar
3 Deadlifts 120kg/80kg
I want to compete:
9 Abmat Situps
6 Burpees over Bar
3 Deadlifts 160kg/105kg
Cool Down
3 Sets:
10 Banded Pass Throughs
10 Banded Good Mornings
10/Side Side Plank Toe Touches
For Time:
Cal Row
Wall Balls
I want to sweat:
Cal Row
Wall Balls 14lbs/9lbs
I want to perform:
Cal Row
Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
I want to compete:
Cal Row
Wall Balls 30lbs/20lbs
4 Sets:
15 Dumbbell Bench Press
10 Strict Pullups
5 Rounds
400m Run
12 One Arm Kettlebell Swings left Arm
9 One Arm Kettlebell Cleans left Arm
6 One Arm Kettlebell Push Press left Arm
12 One Arm Kettlebell Swings right Arm
9 One Arm Kettlebell Cleans right Arm
6 One Arm Kettlebell Push Press right Arm
I want to sweat:
I want to perform:
I want to compete: