Training - KW#30-21 - 7/26/2021

Montag - WOD

Triple Three
3000m Row
300 Double Unders
3 Mile Run

Option A:
2.5k Row
250 Double Unders
2.5 Mile Run (4km)

Option B:
2k Row
200 Double Unders
3k Run

Mittwoch im Extra Work

Cool Down

Dienstag - WOD

Overhead Squat

Front Squat

Back Squat

Wenn ihr die 10x3 beugen möchtet aus dem Accessory - könnt ihr das gern tun. 

3 rounds for quality of: 
30 Flutter Kicks
20 (10+10) Bulgarian Split Squats

Mittwoch - WOD

AMRAP20 - Teams of 2 Relay
5 Strict Handstand Pushups
5 Strict Pullups

Complete Rounds
Goal: 30+ Rounds
Challenge: 40+ Rounds

Parallette Push Ups
Dumbbell Row

Donnerstag - WOD

Every 6:00 - 7 Sets

In 2:00
15/12 Cal Row
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
Rest 1:00 Minute
In 2:00
50 Double Unders
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rest 1:00 Minute

Freitag - WOD

In Teams of 2 - For time: 
50 Wall Balls
50 Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
40 Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
30 Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
20 Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
10 Power Cleans

Piece of Cake:
50 Power Cleans, 30/20 kg 
40 Power Cleans, 37.5/25 kg 
30 Power Cleans, 45/30 kg 
20 Power Cleans, 52.5/35 kg 
10 Power Cleans, 60/40 kg

14lbs/10lbs Medball

Let's Rock:
50 Power Cleans, 40/30 kg 
40 Power Cleans, 50/35 kg 
30 Power Cleans, 60/40 kg 
20 Power Cleans, 70/47.5 kg 
10 Power Cleans, 80/55 kg

20lbs/14lbs Medball

Come get some!:
50 Power Cleans, 40/30 kg 
40 Power Cleans, 60/40 kg 
30 Power Cleans, 80/55 kg 
20 Power Cleans, 100/70 kg 
10 Power Cleans, 120/80 kg

20lbs/14lbs Medball

Split anyhow.
Time Cap: 22'

Samstag - WOD

10 Kettlebell Snatches
10m One Arm Kettlebell Over Head Walking Lunges
20 Abmat Situps
10 Kettlebell Snatches
10m One Arm Kettlebell Over Head Walking Lunges

Parkett: 16kg/12kg
Loge: 24kg/16kg

3 Sets for Quality
12 Bent Over Row pro Arm
9 One Arm Floor Press pro Arm
6 urkish Get Up pro Arm