CrossFit: PairUP ThrowDOWN

Community Partner Competition

Moritz Hauser

Moritz Hauser

CrossFit PairUP ThrowDOWN



In this competition, you have a chance to partner up with an affiliate buddy, sibling, life partner, family member, or even class rival and have a whole lot of fun in the first annual CrossFit PairUP ThrowDOWN.

This new, single-workout competition is for any and all who want to work together to test their fitness and teamwork against peers across the globe. The PairUP ThrowDOWN has something to offer athletes of any age and every level.

So grab a partner and get ready to have some fun!

In dieser Competition bekommt ihr die Chance es mit eurem Box-BFF, eurer Freundin, eurem/eurer Partner/in oder einem Familienmitglied zusammen in dem diesjährigen “PairUP ThrowDOWN” knallen zu lassen.

Der (freundschaftliche) Wettkampf besteht aus einem einzigen Workout, der eure Kommunikation und Fitness auf die Probe stellen wird. Und alle, die Bock haben sich international zu vergleichen, werden die Möglichkeit bekommen, wenn man sich offiziell anmeldet. Für unsere Just-For-Fun-Athleten werde ich aber auch alle Varianten des Workouts auf BTWB posten. Das Workout wird für jedes Alter und jeden Fitnessstand machbar sein!

Also: Schnappt euch einen Partner und auf geht's!



Donnerstag, den 20.05. um 12:00Uhr PT  bis Montag, den 24.05. at 12:00Uhr PT


Partner options - man/man, woman/woman, or man/woman

Workout will be announced on Thursday, May 20, at 12:00 p.m. PT (noon)

Score submissions are due on Monday, May 24, by 12:00 p.m. PT (noon)

Rx'd and scaled divisions, plus age groups - Open, 35-44, 45-54, 55+

Judge not required but recommended for top performers

Video required for performance-based prizes



CrossFit Games tickets valued at over $120,000 will be awarded to top competitors and their affiliates.



$20 USD per pair

Click here to read the rulebook. Visit the PairUP ThrowDOWN information page to learn more and get workout tips from the CrossFit Seminar Staff after the workout is announced on May 20.